Did you know macaws name their chicks like humans. Like humans the parents call their chicks with different names, each baby bird is called with a particular sound and they start naming them soon after the hatch... Macaws are one of the most intelligent birds..
Agatti aiport in Lakshwadeep,India.
The Rainbow roses were created by Dutch flower company owner Peter Van De Werken, who produced them by developing a technique for injecting natural pigments into their stems while they are growing to create a striking multicolored petal effects. The dye are produced from natural plant extracts and absorbed by the flowers as they grow. A special process then controls how much color reaches each petal- with spectacular results. By treating the stalk with natural pigments, Van De Werken has manage to make each petal a different color. The pigment is absorbed and travels to the petals where it changes their hue.
The largest street in the world is "Yonge street" in Toronto Canada measuring 1,896 km (1,178miles)
Landwasser Viaduct - Switzerland ( Built in 1902 and has been declared as world heritage site )

>Honey Bee is the only insect to produce food that is eaten by man.
A Honey Bee produces very less amount of honey in her lifetime i-e 1/12th of a teaspoon.
>Once they feel threatened they try to sting the enemy and they die soon after they sting.
>To gather one pound of honey, approximately 556 worker honey bees collect nectar from more than 2 million flowers while a single honey bee fly around 90,000 miles to make one pound of honey.
>Honey was used as a form of payment by the Egyptians in ancient times.
>A Queen Bee is the largest Bee in the hive and can lay up to 2000 eggs daily.
>It is very easy to digest Honey because it is already digested once by Honey Bee.
>Honey has the best healing effects and it can heal the wounds very quickly and efficiently.
> Honey never spoils. While exploring the Egyptian pyramids, geologists found Honey of those times that was just fine and could be used.
>There are about 20,000 species of honey and amazingly just four of them can make honey.
>Honey is also know as the nature's energy booster as it is the greatest source of carbohydrates, glucose and fructose as well as anti-oxidants
The Hand of the Desert (La Mano del Desierto) is an 11-meters-tall sculpture, in the shape of a hand, rising up from the desert. It was designed and created by Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal, and is probably the weirdest thing you're going to see in Atacama
Seahorses are the only animals in the entire animal kingdom in which the male, not the female gives birth and cares for their young! The female seahorse deposits the eggs into the male's small pouch like a kangaroo where the eggs are fertilized and where the baby seahorses grow until it is time for them to be born.
->The Eiffel Tower has 2,500,000 rivets in it.
->The Eiffel tower is 320 meters high and weights 7000 tons. It has 1710 steps.